Matrix inversion without Numpy

Here is a more elegant and scalable solution, imo. It’ll work for any nxn matrix and you may find use for the other methods. Note that getMatrixInverse(m) takes in an array of arrays as input. Please feel free to ask any questions. def transposeMatrix(m): return map(list,zip(*m)) def getMatrixMinor(m,i,j): return [row[:j] + row[j+1:] for row in … Read more

Inverse fourier transformation in OpenCV

Actually, you don’t have to swap the different quadrants, it’s needed only if you’re a human and want a more natural looking visualization of the FFT result (i.e. with the 0 frequency in the middle, negative frequencies left/bottom and positive frequencies up/right). To invert the FFT, you need to pass the result of the forward … Read more

What is the difference between cascade & inverse in hibernate, what are they used for?

In case of many-to-many relation through intermediary table; “Cascade” says whether a record will be created/updated in the child table. Whereas “Inverse” says whether a record will be created/updated in the intermediary table e.g. Assume below scenario 1 student can have multiple phones. So Student class has property for Set of phones. Also 1 Phone … Read more