iOS app won’t run on device any more under iOS 12: Unrecoverable CT signature issue

I’m not sure if this will fix it for everyone, but I had the exact same problem and it solved the problem for me. In Keychain Access, I set the trust settings to “Use System Defaults” for the following certificates: Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Developer ID Certification Authority iPhone Developer: {email} iOS Distribution … Read more

How to change status bar style – iOS 12

Swift 4+, iOS 12+ View controller-based status bar appearance now needs to be set to YES in info.plist since UIKit no longer wants us to edit status bar style through UIApplication.shared—status bar style is now view-controller based. Then if you want the change to be applied at app level, simply override preferredStatusBarStyle in the appropriate … Read more

Xcode 10 (iOS 12) does not contain libstdc++6.0.9

libstdc++ was deprecated 5 years ago. Apple’s more recent platforms (tvOS and watchOS) don’t support it. Support was removed from the iOS 12.0 Simulator runtime, but it remains in the iOS 12.0 (device) runtime for binary compatibility with shipping apps. You should update your project to use libc++ rather than libstdc++ by setting the CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY … Read more

Model is running iOS 10.2 (14C92), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode

If somebody facing similar issue with Xcode 9.1 Open directory: /Applications/ Create new folder “11.2 (15C107)” (or “10.3 (14E269)” for older versions, depends on what exactly are you missing) Paste files from provided google drive folder 11.2 (15C107) (or 10.3 (14E269) if you need older files) Restart Xcode For other iOS versions you may check … Read more

In iOS 12, when does the UICollectionView layout cells, use autolayout in nib

For all solutions, note that there is no need to explicitly call reloadData in viewDidLoad: it will happen automatically. Solution 1 Inspired by Samantha idea: invalidateLayout asynchronously in viewDidLoad. override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() //[…] for _ in 0 ..< 1000 { array.append(randomKeyByBitLength(Int(arc4random_uniform(8)))!) } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.invalidateLayout() } } Solution 2 (imperfect, see DHennessy13 improvement … Read more

preferredStatusBarStyle var not working in iOS12?

This has nothing to do with iOS 12. You just have the rules wrong. In a navigation controller situation, the color of the status bar is not determined by the view controller’s preferredStatusBarStyle. It is determined, amazingly, by the navigation bar’s barStyle. To get light status bar text, say (in your view controller): self.navigationController?.navigationBar.barStyle = … Read more