Beginner’s Guide to Setup Xuggler

The following files list the other jars which xuggle depends upon: ivy.xml pom.xml You can read these and then manually retrieve them from the appropriate repository, but I would submit it’s simpler to start using a dependency manager. You asked how to download these dependencies, well ivy has a convenient command-line mode of operation. (See … Read more

how to create a bundled runnable jar using Ant

Snip… I have reworked your build.xml file to properly include the libraries in the jar file and in the Manifest classpath. I’m assuming that your “apache http.jar” file is a wrapper for Apache Core, and contains several other jar files in it for the apache client, etc. build.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″?> <project name=”Test” basedir=”.” default=”jar”> … Read more

How do I reference external jar files in a common directory (not libs) to build android project using ant?

In the sdk, there are ant files under tools/ant. In main_rules.xml, you can find the following code section: <!– Directory for the third party java libraries –> <property name=”jar.libs.dir” value=”libs” /> <property name=”jar.libs.absolute.dir” location=”${jar.libs.dir}” /> <!– create a path with all the jar files, from the main project and the libraries –> <path id=”jar.libs.ref”> <fileset … Read more

Tomcat: hot deploying new jars

Tomcat doesn’t provide any mechanism to reload a single JAR. However, the whole context can be reloaded. You just need to tell Tomcat to watch for your JAR in context.xml, like this, <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <Context override=”true” swallowOutput=”true” useNaming=”false”> <WatchedResource>WEB-INF/web.xml</WatchedResource> <WatchedResource>WEB-INF/lib/your.jar</WatchedResource> <Manager pathname=””/> </Context> We do this on production. Tomcat used to have some memory … Read more