How can I change the background color of a cell in a jqgrid custom formatter?

If you want use <span> element inside of the custom cell formatter you can return from the custom formatter return ‘<span class=”cellWithoutBackground” style=”background-color:’ + color + ‘;”>’ + cellvalue + ‘</span>’; where the style of span.cellWithoutBackground you can define for example like following span.cellWithoutBackground { display:block; background-image:none; margin-right:-2px; margin-left:-2px; height:14px; padding:4px; } How it works … Read more

jqgrid change cell value and stay in edit mode

If you need to implement the behavior of dependency cells which are all in the editing mode you have to modify the cell contain manually with respect of jQuery.html function for example. If the name of the column which you want to modify has the name “description”, and you use ‘blur’ event on another “code” … Read more

Load data from Webservice (asmx) to jqgrid. Please help me

You example have a lot of problems. For example If you use [WebMethod, ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] attribute on the web method and [ScriptService] on the the web service class, then the output parameter will be automatically converted to JSON. (see asmx web service, json, javascript/jquery? for example). Then you will not need implementthe functions like … Read more