Drop event not firing in chrome

In order to have the drop event occur on a div element, you must cancel the ondragenter and ondragover events. Using jquery and your code provided… $(‘.drop’).on(‘drop dragdrop’,function(){ alert(‘dropped’); }); $(‘.drop’).on(‘dragenter’,function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $(this).html(‘drop now’).css(‘background’,’blue’); }) $(‘.drop’).on(‘dragleave’,function(){ $(this).html(‘drop here’).css(‘background’,’red’); }) $(‘.drop’).on(‘dragover’,function(event){ event.preventDefault(); }) For more information, check out the MDN page.

Can you have a JavaScript hook trigger after a DOM element’s style object changes?

Edit 4: Live Demo $(function() { $(‘#toggleColor’).on(‘click’, function() { $(this).toggleClass(‘darkblue’); }).attrchange({ trackValues: true, callback: function(event) { $(this).html(“<ul><li><span>Attribute Name: </span>” + event.attributeName + “</li><li><span>Old Value: </span>” + event.oldValue + “</li><li><span>New Value: </span>” + event.newValue + “</li></ul>”); } }); }); body { font-family: “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } #toggleColor { height: 70px; width: 300px; … Read more

jQuery event that triggers after CSS is loaded?

Rather than creating a new link element and appending it to the head, you could retrieve the contents of the stylesheet with an AJAX call, and insert it into an inline style block. That way, you can use jQuery’s ‘complete’ callback to fire off your check. $(‘#theme-selector a’).click(function(){ var path = $(this).attr(‘href’); $.get(path, function(response){ //Check … Read more

What’s the difference between keyup, keydown, keypress and input events?

According to jQuery docs: The keypress event is sent to an element when the browser registers keyboard input. This is similar to the keydown event, except that modifier and non-printing keys such as Shift, Esc, and delete trigger keydown events but not keypress events. Other differences between the two events may arise depending on platform … Read more

How to detect if the user clicked the “back” button

You generally can’t (browser security restriction). You can tell if the user navigates away from the page (onbeforeunload, onunload fire) but you can’t tell where they went unless you’ve set up your page to allow it. HTML5 introduces the HTML5 History API; in conforming browsers, the onpopstate event will fire if the user navigates back … Read more