What are the best JVM settings for Eclipse? [closed]

It is that time of year again: “eclipse.ini take 3” the settings strike back! Eclipse Helios 3.6 and 3.6.x settings alt text http://www.eclipse.org/home/promotions/friends-helios/helios.png After settings for Eclipse Ganymede 3.4.x and Eclipse Galileo 3.5.x, here is an in-depth look at an “optimized” eclipse.ini settings file for Eclipse Helios 3.6.x: based on runtime options, and using the … Read more

How ‘random’ is allocation of memory when I say “new Integer” in Java?

What algorithms are used? Java uses TLAB (Thread Local Allocation Buffers) for “normal” sized objects. This means each thread grab some Eden space and turns this grab of memory into individual objects. Thus small objects are typically sequential in memory for that thread, except if a new chunk of memory needs to be grabbed. Large … Read more