Tournament bracket placement algorithm

This JavaScript returns an array where each even index plays the next odd index function seeding(numPlayers){ var rounds = Math.log(numPlayers)/Math.log(2)-1; var pls = [1,2]; for(var i=0;i<rounds;i++){ pls = nextLayer(pls); } return pls; function nextLayer(pls){ var out=[]; var length = pls.length*2+1; pls.forEach(function(d){ out.push(d); out.push(length-d); }); return out; } } > seeding(2) [1, 2] > seeding(4) [1, … Read more

What is the use/advantage of function overloading?

IMO, the primary benefit is consistency in the naming of methods / functions which logically perform very similar tasks, and differ slightly in by accepting different parameters. This allows the same method name to be reused across multiple implementations. e.g. The overloads: (Good) function Person[] FindPersons(string nameOfPerson) { … } function Person[] FindPersons(date dateOfBirth) { … Read more