Find index of returned list result C#

As the error states, it cannot convert from ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘string’. However I never knew the function SingleOrDefult() existed. All credit to @maccettura even though he didn’t know what I was trying to do! xD Code change below for the answer: List<string> listFrom = new List<string>(); //Contains a list of strings List<string> listTo = new … Read more

List comprehensions

all() Returns true if all of the items in list are True >>> print(all([True, True, True, True])) True >>> print(all([False, True, True, False])) False In above problem we need to check if all vowels are present in a string (ex: businesswoman) using all as follows: >>> all(t in “businesswoman” for t in ‘aeiouu’) True Similarly … Read more

c++ push reference node to stl list

how does one push_back into list nodes by reference? so when I need to set fields in object both structors will be updated You cannot, unless your list is templated to contain pointers (or even better smart pointers). None of the standard library containers are able to contain references directly.

Assorting linked list in c [duplicate]

Simplest will be bubble sort. item* sort(item *start){ item *node1,*node2; int temp; for(node1 = start; node1!=NULL;node1=node1->next){ for(node2 = start; node2!=NULL;node2=node2->next){ if(node2->draw_number > node1->draw_number){ temp = node1->draw_number; node1->draw_number = node2->draw_number; node2->draw_number = temp; } } } return start; }