Finding words after keyword in python [duplicate]

Instead of using regexes you could just (for example) separate your string with str.partition(separator) like this: mystring = “hi my name is ryan, and i am new to python and would like to learn more” keyword = ‘name’ before_keyword, keyword, after_keyword = mystring.partition(keyword) >>> before_keyword ‘hi my ‘ >>> keyword ‘name’ >>> after_keyword ‘ is … Read more

Regular expression matching fully qualified class names

A Java fully qualified class name (lets say “N”) has the structure N.N.N.N The “N” part must be a Java identifier. Java identifiers cannot start with a number, but after the initial character they may use any combination of letters and digits, underscores or dollar signs: ([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*\.)*[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]* ———————— ———————– N N They can also not … Read more

Is there a regex flavor that allows me to count the number of repetitions matched by the * and + operators?

You’re fortunate because in fact .NET regex does this (which I think is quite unique). Essentially in every Match, each Group stores every Captures that was made. So you can count how many times a repeatable pattern matched an input by: Making it a capturing group Counting how many captures were made by that group … Read more

Check if value exists in column in VBA

The find method of a range is faster than using a for loop to loop through all the cells manually. here is an example of using the find method in vba Sub Find_First() Dim FindString As String Dim Rng As Range FindString = InputBox(“Enter a Search value”) If Trim(FindString) <> “” Then With Sheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A:A”) ‘searches … Read more

Compare Python Pandas DataFrames for matching rows

One possible solution to your problem would be to use merge. Checking if any row (all columns) from another dataframe (df2) are present in df1 is equivalent to determining the intersection of the the two dataframes. This can be accomplished using the following function: pd.merge(df1, df2, on=[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’], how=’inner’) For example, if df1 … Read more

How do I do a fuzzy match of company names in MYSQL with PHP for auto-complete?

You can start with using SOUNDEX(), this will probably do for what you need (I picture an auto-suggestion box of already-existing alternatives for what the user is typing). The drawbacks of SOUNDEX() are: its inability to differentiate longer strings. Only the first few characters are taken into account, longer strings that diverge at the end … Read more