How can I skip tests in maven install goal, while running them in maven test goal?

It sounds like you didn’t understand the concept of the build life-cycle in Maven. If you run mvn install all life-cycle phases (including the install phase itself) run before the install phase. This means running the following phases: validate initialize generate-sources process-sources generate-resources process-resources compile process-classes generate-test-sources process-test-sources generate-test-resources process-test-resources test-compile process-test-classes test prepare-package package … Read more

Prevent unit tests but allow integration tests in Maven

I found the simplest way to skip only surefire tests is to configure surefire (but not failsafe) as follows: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.14</version> <configuration> <!– skips surefire tests without skipping failsafe tests. Property value seems to magically default to false –> <skipTests>${skip.surefire.tests}</skipTests> </configuration> </plugin> This allows you to run mvn verify -Dskip.surefire.tests and only surefire, not … Read more

failsafe plugin won’t run on one project but will run on another — why?

Take a look at the failsafe docs for the test names failsafe expects by default: <includes> <include>**/IT*.java</include> <include>**/*</include> <include>**/*</include> </includes> Are your tests named following one of these patterns? If not, try defining the <includes> element in the plugin configuration. Or change your test name(s) to fit the default pattern. Okay, now that we’ve verified … Read more