Power off an USB device in software on Windows

Some USB hubs have the ability to turn power off to its downstream devices. “Is it possible to power up ports on a USB hub from Ubuntu?” https://askubuntu.com/questions/149242/is-it-possible-to-power-up-ports-on-a-usb-hub-from-ubuntu Which points to some c source for hub-ctrl.c See: http://www.gniibe.org/development/ac-power-control-by-USB-hub/index I tested this on Ubuntu with a Dream-Cheeky USB LED unit, and it did seem to turn … Read more

What is a “packed” structure in C?

When structures are defined, the compiler is allowed to add paddings (spaces without actual data) so that members fall in address boundaries that are easier to access for the CPU. For example, on a 32-bit CPU, 32-bit members should start at addresses that are multiple of 4 bytes in order to be efficiently accessed (read … Read more