Finding the root directory of a multi module Maven reactor project

use ${session.executionRootDirectory} For the record, ${session.executionRootDirectory} works for me in pom files in Maven 3.0.3. That property will be the directory you’re running in, so run the parent project and each module can get the path to that root directory. I put the plugin configuration that uses this property in the parent pom so that … Read more

Using two git repos in one folder

It seems to me that you could define one repo per structure you want, and combine them in a super-project through submodules. See this question for some details on the nature of submodules. Extract: A submodule enables you to have a component-based approach development, where the main project only refers to specific commits of other … Read more

Use an aar library cause missing dependencies using api in Gradle 4.x

I was able to solve it. The main issue was Android O with Gradle 4.x using api dependencies { api ‘com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:3.4.1’ api “io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:$versions.libs.rxAndroid” Most answers are concerning something like this publishing { publications { mipartner(MavenPublication) { groupId ‘…’ artifactId ‘..’ version 1.0 artifact “$buildDir/outputs/aar/myLib-release.aar” //generate pom nodes for dependencies pom.withXml { def dependenciesNode = asNode().appendNode(‘dependencies’) … Read more