Creating and updating nested dictionaries and lists inside multiprocessing.Manager object

Your usage of the shared dictionary is identical to and can be re-written as this: temp = shared_object[‘nested’] temp.update({‘second_key’: ‘second_value’}) When you request the value of the nested key from the shared dictionary, it is stored in the current process’s memory space. This means that any changes you do to this dictionary will not be … Read more

Multiprocessing AsyncResult.get() hangs in Python 3.7.2 but not in 3.6

I think this is a regression in Python 3.7.2 as described here. It seems to only affect users when running in a virtualenv. For the time being you can work-around it by doing what’s described in this comment on the bug thread. import _winapi import multiprocessing.spawn multiprocessing.spawn.set_executable(_winapi.GetModuleFileName(0)) That will force the subprocesses to spawn using … Read more

Python multiprocessing – tracking the process of operation

Note that I’m using pathos.multiprocessing instead of multiprocessing. It’s just a fork of multiprocessing that enables you to do map functions with multiple inputs, has much better serialization, and allows you to execute map calls anywhere (not just in __main__). You could use multiprocessing to do the below as well, however the code would be … Read more

Python: Writing to a single file with queue while using multiprocessing Pool

Multiprocessing pools implement a queue for you. Just use a pool method that returns the worker return value to the caller. imap works well: import multiprocessing import re def mp_worker(filename): with open(filename) as f: text = m = re.findall(“x+”, text) count = len(max(m, key=len)) return filename, count def mp_handler(): p = multiprocessing.Pool(32) with open(‘infilenamess.txt’) … Read more

Python Multiprocessing error: AttributeError: module ‘__main__’ has no attribute ‘__spec__’

The problem is not with the code / Python 3.6, it is with Spyder. After some investigation I found that the code runs fine when executed in an external system terminal but not when run in Spyder’s IPython console. I was able to dump the contents of spec and assign them to a variable that … Read more

How to process requests from multiiple users using ML model and FastAPI?

First, you should rather not load your model every time a request arrives, but rahter have it loaded once at startup (you could use the startup event for this) and store it on the app instance—using the generic app.state attribute (see implementation of State too)—which you can later retrieve, as described here and here. For … Read more