Python multiprocessing – tracking the process of operation

Note that I’m using pathos.multiprocessing instead of multiprocessing. It’s just a fork of multiprocessing that enables you to do map functions with multiple inputs, has much better serialization, and allows you to execute map calls anywhere (not just in __main__). You could use multiprocessing to do the below as well, however the code would be very slightly different.

If you use an iterated map function, it’s pretty easy to keep track of progress.

from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
def simFunction(x,y):
  import time
  return x**2 + y
x,y = range(100),range(-100,100,2)
res = Pool().imap(simFunction, x,y)
with open('results.txt', 'w') as out:
  for i in x:
    out.write("%s\n" %
    if i%10 is 0:
      print "%s of %s simulated" % (i, len(x))
0 of 100 simulated
10 of 100 simulated
20 of 100 simulated
30 of 100 simulated
40 of 100 simulated
50 of 100 simulated
60 of 100 simulated
70 of 100 simulated
80 of 100 simulated
90 of 100 simulated

Or, you can use an asynchronous map. Here I’ll do things a little differently, just to mix it up.

import time
res = Pool().amap(simFunction, x,y)
while not res.ready():
  print "waiting..."
[-100, -97, -92, -85, -76, -65, -52, -37, -20, -1, 20, 43, 68, 95, 124, 155, 188, 223, 260, 299, 340, 383, 428, 475, 524, 575, 628, 683, 740, 799, 860, 923, 988, 1055, 1124, 1195, 1268, 1343, 1420, 1499, 1580, 1663, 1748, 1835, 1924, 2015, 2108, 2203, 2300, 2399, 2500, 2603, 2708, 2815, 2924, 3035, 3148, 3263, 3380, 3499, 3620, 3743, 3868, 3995, 4124, 4255, 4388, 4523, 4660, 4799, 4940, 5083, 5228, 5375, 5524, 5675, 5828, 5983, 6140, 6299, 6460, 6623, 6788, 6955, 7124, 7295, 7468, 7643, 7820, 7999, 8180, 8363, 8548, 8735, 8924, 9115, 9308, 9503, 9700, 9899]

Either an iterated or asynchronous map will enable you to write whatever code you want to do better process tracking. For example, pass a unique “id” to each job, and watch which come back, or have each job return it’s process id. There are lots of ways to track progress and processes… but the above should give you a start.

You can get pathos here.

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