When creating a new GUI, is WPF the preferred choice over Windows Forms? [closed]

After three months of trying to hammer out a line-of-business (LOB) application on WPF, I reached a point of considering turning back to Windows Forms for my project, and in researching other people’s opinions, came across this thread… Yes, WPF is a brilliant technology and it has benefits that span far beyond mere eye-candy… the … Read more

What’s the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable [duplicate]

IEnumerable<T> represents a forward-only cursor of T. .NET 3.5 added extension methods that included the LINQ standard query operators like Where and First, with any operators that require predicates or anonymous functions taking Func<T>. IQueryable<T> implements the same LINQ standard query operators, but accepts Expression<Func<T>> for predicates and anonymous functions. Expression<T> is a compiled expression … Read more

When creating a new GUI, is WPF the preferred choice over Windows Forms? [closed]

After three months of trying to hammer out a line-of-business (LOB) application on WPF, I reached a point of considering turning back to Windows Forms for my project, and in researching other people’s opinions, came across this thread… Yes, WPF is a brilliant technology and it has benefits that span far beyond mere eye-candy… the … Read more