In React and Next.js constructor, I am getting “Reference Error: localstorage is not defined”

As everyone already mentioned, Next.js runs both on the client and server. On the server, there isn’t any localStorage, hence the undefined error. However, an alternative solution is to check if Next.js is running on the server before accessing the localStorage. I.e., const ISSERVER = typeof window === “undefined”; if(!ISSERVER) { // Access localStorage …localStorage.get… … Read more

How to use template literals in tailwindcss to change classes dynamically?

Do it like this: <div className={`absolute inset-0 ${click ? ‘translate-x-0’ : ‘-translate-x-full’} transform z-400 h-screen w-1/4 bg-blue-300`}></div> // Alternatively (without template literals): <div className={‘absolute inset-0 ‘ + (click ? ‘translate-x-0’ : ‘-translate-x-full’) + ‘ transform z-400 h-screen w-1/4 bg-blue-300’}></div> Just keep in mind not to use string concatenation to create class names, like this: <div … Read more

Create a HOC (higher order component) for authentication in Next.js

You should separate and extract your authentication logic from getServerSideProps into a re-usable higher-order function. For instance, you could have the following function that would accept another function (your getServerSideProps), and would redirect to your login page if the userToken isn’t set. export function requireAuthentication(gssp) { return async (context) => { const { req, res … Read more

Can’t import SVG into Next.js

You need to provide a webpack loader that will handle SVG imports, one of the famous one is svgr. In order to configure it to work with next, you need to add to your next.config.js file the usage of the loader, like that: // next.config.js module.exports = { webpack(config) { config.module.rules.push({ test: /\.svg$/, issuer: { … Read more

Next.js Redirect from / to another page

Update: Next.js >= 12 Now you can do redirects using middleware, create a _middleware.js file inside the pages folder (or any sub folder inside pages) import { NextResponse, NextRequest } from ‘next/server’ export async function middleware(req, ev) { const { pathname } = req.nextUrl if (pathname == “”) { return NextResponse.redirect(‘/hello-nextjs’) } return } … Read more

Can’t build React/Next project – found page without a React Component as default export (context api file)

You should move your components outside the pages folder. pages/ should only be used for page components as Next.js routing is based on its structure. Next.js has a file-system based router built on the concept of pages. When a file is added to the pages directory it’s automatically available as a route. By default, Next.js … Read more

NEXTJS: getServerSideProps not working into components

You cannot use getServerSideProps in non-page components. You can either pass the prop from Home to HomeSection or create a context so the value can be available globally from the component tree getServerSideProps can only be exported from a page. You can’t export it from non-page files.

“Cannot use import statement outside a module” error when importing react-hook-mousetrap in Next.js

The error occurs because react-hook-mousetrap is exported as an ESM library. You can have Next.js transpile it using next-transpile-modules in your next.config.js. const withTM = require(‘next-transpile-modules’)([‘react-hook-mousetrap’]); module.exports = withTM({ /* Your Next.js config */});