How to convert string rule to an expression which has a range in R [closed]

I’d do it in several steps: Split on logical operators into separate inequalities. Change double inequalities like -3>x1>=-1.45 into two inequalities. Change “=” to “==”, and put it all together. For example: a1 <- strsplit(a, “&”, fixed = TRUE)[[1]] a1a <- gsub(” “, “”, a1) # get rid of spaces a2 <- gsub(“([-0-9.]+[<>=]+)([[:alpha:]]+[[:alnum:]]*)([<>=]+.+)”, “\\1\\2 & … Read more

What are some simple NLP projects that a CS undergrad can try implementing? [closed]

There are plenty of them. Here is a list of different NLP problems: spam detection text genre categorization (news, fiction, science paper) finding similar texts (for example search for similar articles) find something about author (genre, native-speaker/non-native-speaker) create automatic grader for student’s work check text for plagiarism create an application that looks for grammatical errors … Read more

Extract email id from text file by showing path

Something like the following will work: with open(‘resume.txt’, ‘r’) as f_input: print re.findall(r’\b([a-z0-9-_.]+?@[a-z0-9-_.]+)\b’,, re.I) It will display: [‘[email protected]’] But the exact logic can be far more complicated. It all depends on how accurate it needs to be. This will display all email addresses in the text file, just in case there is more than … Read more