Call Javascript onchange event by programmatically changing textbox value

This is an old question, and I’m not sure if it will help, but I’ve been able to programatically fire an event using: if (document.createEvent && ctrl.dispatchEvent) { var evt = document.createEvent(“HTMLEvents”); evt.initEvent(“change”, true, true); ctrl.dispatchEvent(evt); // for DOM-compliant browsers } else if (ctrl.fireEvent) { ctrl.fireEvent(“onchange”); // for IE }

Blazor: How to use the onchange event in when using @bind also?

@bind is essentially equivalent to the having both value and @onchange, e.g.: <input @bind=”CurrentValue” /> Is equivalent to: <input value=”@CurrentValue” @onchange=”@((ChangeEventArgs e) => CurrentValue = e.Value.ToString())” /> Since you’ve already defined @onchange, instead of also adding @bind, just add value to prevent the clash: <select value=”@SelectedCustID” @onchange=”@CustChanged” class=”form-control”> @foreach (KeyGuidPair i in CustList) { <option … Read more

Jquery select change not firing

Try $(document).on(‘change’,’#multiid’,function(){ alert(‘Change Happened’); }); As your select-box is generated from the code, so you have to use event delegation, where in place of $(document) you can have closest parent element. Or $(document.body).on(‘change’,’#multiid’,function(){ alert(‘Change Happened’); }); Update: Second one works fine, there is another change of selector to make it work. $(‘#addbasket’).on(‘change’,’#multiid’,function(){ alert(‘Change Happened’); }); … Read more

How to fire a change event on a HTMLSelectElement if the new value is the same as the old?

I’d do it like this: <select onchange=”jsFunction()”> <option value=”” disabled selected style=”display:none;”>Label</option> <option value=”1″>1</option> <option value=”2″>2</option> <option value=”3″>3</option> </select> If you want you could have the same label as the first option, which in this case is 1. Even better: put a label in there for the choices in the box.

Dropdown using javascript onchange

Something like this should do the trick <select id=”leave” onchange=”leaveChange()”> <option value=”5″>Get Married</option> <option value=”100″>Have a Baby</option> <option value=”90″>Adopt a Child</option> <option value=”15″>Retire</option> <option value=”15″>Military Leave</option> <option value=”15″>Medical Leave</option> </select> <div id=”message”></div> Javascript function leaveChange() { if (document.getElementById(“leave”).value != “100”){ document.getElementById(“message”).innerHTML = “Common message”; } else{ document.getElementById(“message”).innerHTML = “Having a Baby!!”; } } jsFiddle Demo … Read more

Trigger change() event when setting ‘s value with val() function

I had a very similar issue and I’m not quite sure what you’re having a problem with, as your suggested code worked great for me. It immediately (a requirement of yours) triggers the following change code. $(‘#selectField’).change(function(){ if($(‘#selectField’).val() == ‘N’){ $(‘#secondaryInput’).hide(); } else { $(‘#secondaryInput’).show(); } }); Then I take the value from the database … Read more