How to properly configure Implicit / Explicit Waits and pageLoadTimeout through Selenium?

implicitlyWait() implicitlyWait() is to tell the WebDriver instance i.e. driver to poll the HTML DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available. The default wait configuration is set to 0. Once set, the implicit wait is set for the life of the … Read more

Is the “async” attribute/property useful if a script is dynamically added to the DOM?

The question is does s.async = true have a use for dynamically inserted scripts, or are these loaded asynchronously already. The answer is they aren’t loaded asynchronously in all browsers, as explained here (thanks to Markus Olsson for the link) script-inserted scripts execute asynchronously in IE and WebKit, but synchronously in Opera and pre-4.0 Firefox. … Read more