How to send password securely via HTTP using Javascript in absence of HTTPS?

There is no way to send a password securely that the user can verify without SSL. Sure, you can write some JavaScript that will make a password secure for over-the-wire transmission through hashing or public-key-encryption. But how can the user be sure that the JavaScript itself has not been tampered with by a man-in-the-middle before … Read more

Easy way to password-protect php page

Not exactly the most robust password protection here, so please don’t use this to protect credit card numbers or something very important. Simply drop all of the following code into a file called (secure.php), change the user and pass from “admin” to whatever you want. Then right under those lines where it says include(“secure.html”), simply … Read more

How to unmask a JavaFX PasswordField or properly mask a TextField?

> However, I cannot find anything in the JavaFX API that let me do that? The PasswordField component does not display masked text by default. However you can use PasswordField with TextField and toggle masked/unmasked text using these components respectively. Where the unmasked text is shown by TextField, as in example demo below. > I … Read more

Way to securely give a password to R application from the terminal?

The problem is that R does not have functions to control the terminal it is running in (something like Rncurses); probably this is due to portability issues. Some time ago I was struggling with the same problem and I ended up with a function using TclTk: getPass<-function(){ require(tcltk); wnd<-tktoplevel();tclVar(“”)->passVar; #Label tkgrid(tklabel(wnd,text=”Enter password:”)); #Password box tkgrid(tkentry(wnd,textvariable=passVar,show=”*”)->passBox); … Read more

Securing a password in source code?

Don’t store you password in your source code, store it in a protected section within you App.Config (or Web.Config). See Encrypting Configuration File Sections Using Protected Configuration section in this Microsoft Doc This works by encrypting the encryption keys using built-in Windows stuff, locked to the MAC address and various other undocumented things. This will … Read more