Styling a tooltip (popper.js / bootstrap v4 beta)

The structure of the tooltip is described in the docs. To change the style you need to override tooltip-inner and arrow: Update for Bootstrap 4.0.0 Demo .tooltip-inner { background-color: #00cc00; } .arrow:before { border-right-color: #00cc00 !important; } .arrow:before { border-left-color: #00cc00 !important; } .arrow:before { border-bottom-color: #00cc00 !important; } .arrow:before { … Read more

How can I keep Bootstrap popovers alive while being hovered?

Test with code snippet below: Small modification (From the solution provided by vikas) to suit my use case. Open popover on hover event for the popover button Keep popover open when hovering over the popover box Close popover on mouseleave for either the popover button, or the popover box. $(“.pop”).popover({ trigger: “manual”, html: true, animation: … Read more