FromBody string parameter is giving null

By declaring the jsonString parameter with [FromBody] you tell ASP.NET Core to use the input formatter to bind the provided JSON (or XML) to a model. So your test should work, if you provide a simple model class public class MyModel { public string Key {get; set;} } [Route(“Edit/Test”)] [HttpPost] public void Test(int id, [FromBody] … Read more


CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and SOP (Same-Origin Policy) are server-side configurations that clients decide to enforce or not. Related to clients Most Browsers do enforce it to prevent issues related to CSRF attack. Most Development tools don’t care about it.

File upload along with other object in Jersey restful web service

You can’t have two Content-Types (well technically that’s what we’re doing below, but they are separated with each part of the multipart, but the main type is multipart). That’s basically what you are expecting with your method. You are expecting mutlipart and json together as the main media type. The Employee data needs to be … Read more