Why use a prime number in hashCode?

Prime numbers are chosen to best distribute data among hash buckets. If the distribution of inputs is random and evenly spread, then the choice of the hash code/modulus does not matter. It only has an impact when there is a certain pattern to the inputs. This is often the case when dealing with memory locations. … Read more

Python Finding Prime Factors

This question was the first link that popped up when I googled “python prime factorization”. As pointed out by @quangpn88, this algorithm is wrong (!) for perfect squares such as n = 4, 9, 16, … However, @quangpn88’s fix does not work either, since it will yield incorrect results if the largest prime factor occurs … Read more

Simple prime number generator in Python

There are some problems: Why do you print out count when it didn’t divide by x? It doesn’t mean it’s prime, it means only that this particular x doesn’t divide it continue moves to the next loop iteration – but you really want to stop it using break Here’s your code with a few fixes, … Read more

Sieve of Eratosthenes – Finding Primes Python

You’re not quite implementing the correct algorithm: In your first example, primes_sieve doesn’t maintain a list of primality flags to strike/unset (as in the algorithm), but instead resizes a list of integers continuously, which is very expensive: removing an item from a list requires shifting all subsequent items down by one. In the second example, … Read more