Why doesn’t this Python keyboard interrupt work? (in PyCharm)

I know this is an old question, but I ran into the same problem and think there’s an easier solution: In PyCharm go to “Run”https://stackoverflow.com/”Edit Configurations” and check “Emulate terminal in output console”. PyCharm now accepts keyboard interrupts (make sure the console is focused). Tested on: PyCharm 2019.1 (Community Edition)

Can you annotate return type when value is instance of cls?

Use a generic type to indicate that you’ll be returning an instance of cls: from typing import Type, TypeVar T = TypeVar(‘T’, bound=’TrivialClass’) class TrivialClass: # … @classmethod def from_int(cls: Type[T], int_arg: int) -> T: # … return cls(…) Any subclass overriding the class method but then returning an instance of a parent class (TrivialClass … Read more

Use Conda environment in pycharm

open pycharm/preferences/project/Project Interpreter And check existing interpreter. Conda environments may already be listed there. If not exists, you can create a new conda environment with “Create Conda Env” button If you are looking for a specific conda environment you can use ‘add local’. When you click ‘add local’ you will input conda environment path + … Read more

PyCharm running way slow

1. Change the inspection level Current PyCharm versions allows you to change the type of static code analysis it performs, and also features a Power/CPU Saving feature (Click on the icon at the bottom right, next to the lock): 2. Change indexed directories Exclude directories from being indexed which are set in the project paths … Read more

Make sure that you use the correct version of ‘pip’ installed for your Python interpreter located at ‘dir:\projectPath\venv\Scripts\python.exe’

I imagine that you have more than one Python installed in your system. you should go to Pycharm –> file> settings> project>project interpreter. you should find the other Python instance on your system and try to change your interpreter to that one. if it does not appear in the list click on the button that … Read more

numpy is already installed with Anaconda but I get an ImportError (DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found)

I have actually figured out the solution. I had initially edited my System Environment Variable ‘PATH’ by adding the path to the Scripts folder in my Python executable directory. Turns out, this was NOT enough… I had to add more paths to it, and that magically did the trick. See below the paths I added … Read more

PyCharm import external library

Since PyCharm 3.4 the path tab in the ‘Project Interpreter’ settings has been replaced. In order to add paths to a project you need to select the cogwheel, click on ‘More…’ and then select the “Show path for the selected interpreter” icon. This allows you to add paths to your project as before. My project … Read more