pycharm doesn’t recognize pygame package

To use pygame under OS X, you need to run Python under the 32 bit interpreter. It’s usually called something like ‘python2.7-32’, and if installed from the package on, within /usr/local/bin To get this working in PyCharm, open a project, then preferences (‘apple’-‘comma’), go to ‘python interpreters’, and click the ‘+’ button in the … Read more

Run / Debug a Django application’s UnitTests from the mouse right click context menu in PyCharm Community Edition?

1. Background info I am only working with Django for ~3 months Regarding PyCharm, I worked with it for some years, but only as an IDE (like PyCharm for dummies), so I didn’t get into its advanced stuff Considering the above, some (or all) parts of the solution might seem cumbersome / stupid for some … Read more

Simplify Chained Comparison

In Python you can “chain” comparison operations which just means they are “and”ed together. In your case, it’d be like this: if start <= x <= end: Reference: