Porting C++ Builder to Qt [closed]

for TStatusBar, use QStatusBar for TListBox, use QListBox (Q3ListBox in Qt4) or QListWidget TStringGrid and TSpeedButton apparently have no equivalent. Use Qt demo software to see what Qt toolkit proposes and find what you are looking for. For other classes (not mentioned by OP): for TCheckBox, use QCheckBox for TRadioButton, use QRadioButton for TComboBox, use … Read more

Why QFile(“./test”) work though [Class QFile] has no QFile(char* s) constructor

Consider the statement: QFile(“/home/mythicsr/test”); It leads to the creation of a temporary object of type QString under the hood and thus the constructor QFile(const QString &name) is invoked. As mentioned by @meetaig in the comments it’s possible because: QString supports initialization using char* Or better, as noted in the comments by @Slava – const char … Read more

How to convert Qt to C++? [closed]

I will try to help you to get started: QList is std::list QStringList is basically QList < QString > , so it is the same std::fstream can be used for QFile QIODevice is maybe std::fstream, but I am not sure Again std::fstream can be used for QTextStream

Which yocto is best for me

Morty, Jethro, Fido etc. are not different “yoctos”, but different releases given the timeline of the project. Generally, pick the most current that is available, as it is the most actively maintained one. (At the current moment in time, Rocko is the stable release)

class->methode1()->methode2() what does it mean? [closed]

class->methode1() returns a pointet to an object that provides a method methode2 you can call immediately. By doing this you create anonymous objects (rvalues if I am not wrong) and you call methods on those objects. You cannl actually say class2 = class1->methode(); and then call class2->methode2(); to achieve the same. (pseudo-code)

trying to implement the canny edge using opencv on qt creator [closed]

I have made a small changes its perfectly working void MainWindow::edgeImage() { image =cvLoadImage(FileName.toLocal8Bit().data()); Gray = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width,image->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1 ); cvCvtColor(image, Gray, CV_RGB2GRAY); canny= cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width,image->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1 ); cvCanny(Gray,canny,50,150,3); QImage imgCanny = QImage((const unsigned char*)canny->imageData,canny->width,canny->height,QImage::Format_Indexed8); imgCanny.setPixel(0,0,qRgb(0,0,0)); ui->label_3->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imgCanny).scaled(ui->label_3->size())); }

Decompile qt exe [closed]

What you are asking is (very close to) impossible. When the original C++ code was interpreted, native machine code was generated. There is no way to go back from that to the original C++. That’s like asking someone to go from 9 back to the original “3+3+3”. But who knows if that was the original? … Read more