Using positive-lookahead (?=regex) with re2

According to the Syntax Documentation, this feature isn’t supported: (?=re) before text matching re (NOT SUPPORTED) Also, from WhyRE2: As a matter of principle, RE2 does not support constructs for which only backtracking solutions are known to exist. Thus, backreferences and look-around assertions are not supported.

Multiple regex matches in Google Sheets formula

You can actually do this in a single formula using regexreplace to surround all the values with a capture group instead of replacing the text: =join(“”,REGEXEXTRACT(A1,REGEXREPLACE(A1,”(\d-)”,”($1)”))) basically what it does is surround all instances of the \d- with a “capture group” then using regex extract, it neatly returns all the captures. if you want to … Read more