How to handle the itemPress of sap.m.Table?

This really seems to be a frequent issue people face when they use sap.m.ListBase related controls. Let me give you an overview on how to manage the events (and particularly activate them at all): The confusion could be related to the sap.m.ListMode of controls inheriting from sap.m.ListBase and the sap.m.ListType of items inheriting from sap.m.ListItemBase. … Read more

Difference Between this.getView().byId(), this.byId(), and sap.ui.getCore().byId()

Difference between this.getView().byId and this.byId Take a look at the source code of the this.byId method: // sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller Controller.prototype.byId = function(sId) { return this.oView ? this.oView.byId(sId) : undefined; }; As you can see, this.byId is just a shortcut for this.getView().byId. They both can be used to access controls defined in the view. E.g.: <!– Given … Read more