InheritedWidget with Scaffold as child doesn’t seem to be working

MyInherited.of(context) will basically look into the parent of the current context to see if there’s a MyInherited instantiated. The problem is : Your inherited widget is instantiated within the current context. => No MyInherited as parent => crash The trick is to use a different context. There are many solutions there. You could instantiate MyInherited … Read more

Can’t migrate database after scaffold. Section 2.2 Ruby on Rails Tutorial Michael Hartl

I just ran into this as well. This is due to ActiveRecord 4.2.0.beta4 passing a parameter to Arel 6.0.0 was just released today. In this version, BindParam does not accept any parameters in it’s initalizer. ActiveRecord has already fixed this on the master branch. Until beta5 is released you’ll need to lock your Gemfile … Read more

Scaffold.of() called with a context that does not contain a Scaffold

This exception happens because you are using the context of the widget that instantiated Scaffold. Not the context of a child of Scaffold. You can solve this by just using a different context : Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text(‘SnackBar Playground’), ), body: Builder( builder: (context) => Center( child: RaisedButton( color:, textColor: Colors.white, onPressed: () … Read more