How to create custom modal segue in 4.2 Xcode using storyboard [closed]

This custom seque pops back to the root of a navigation stack. Use a normal pop instead of “popToViewController” if you want to go back one level. I just love the name of this method. header: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface FlipTopPopToRoot : UIStoryboardSegue @end implementation: #import “FlipTopPopToRoot.h” @implementation FlipTopPopToRoot – (void) perform { UIViewController *src = … Read more

Exception: This is not supported, use MenuItemCompat.getActionProvider()

First, you cannot use android.widget.ShareActionProvider with the appcompat-v7 action bar backport (e.g., ActionBarActivity). Either use the appcompat-v7 version of ShareActionProvider, or move everything over to the native action bar. Second, if you stick with appcompat-v7, then you cannot safely use getActionProvider(), as that method will not exist on API Level 10 and below. Replace menuItem.getActionProvider() … Read more

Failed to load optimized model – GoogleMaps SDK IOS

If you have already double-checked the basic setup for the “google maps ios-sdk” with an APIkey for your app’s bundle identifier here and still have the same problem then probably you have not enabled the google maps API. Go to your app-project’s dashboard on and click the “ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES”. There, under the … Read more

How can I add older version of iOS SDK in Xcode 4.5

You need to copy the iPhoneOS5.1.sdk to the directory /Applications/ and iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk to /Applications/ (You’ll need to restart Xcode to be able to select the SDKs in the Base SDK build option.)