Running python script in Laravel

Use Symfony Process. Install: composer require symfony/process Code: use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessFailedException; $process = new Process([‘python’, ‘/path/to/’]); $process->run(); // executes after the command finishes if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { throw new ProcessFailedException($process); } echo $process->getOutput();

PHP – How to get Shell errors echoed out to screen

The error data is output from the target program’s STDERR stream. You can get access to the error data through the normal returned string from shell_exec() by appending 2>&1 to the command, which will redirect STDERR to STDOUT, the stream that you are currently seeing: var_dump(shell_exec(“ffmpeg -i /var/www/html/sitedomain/httpdocs/tmp/ebev1177.mp4 2>&1”)); You may also want to take … Read more

Passing multiple PHP variables to shell_exec()? [duplicate]

Change $page = shell_exec(‘/tmp/my_script.php $my_url $my_refer’); to $page = shell_exec(“/tmp/my_script.php $my_url $my_refer”); OR $page = shell_exec(‘/tmp/my_script.php “‘.$my_url.'” “‘.$my_refer.'”‘); Also make sure to use escapeshellarg on both your values. Example: $my_url=escapeshellarg($my_url); $my_refer=escapeshellarg($my_refer);

How To Execute SSH Commands Via PHP

I would use phpseclib, a pure PHP SSH implementation. An example: <?php include(‘Net/SSH2.php’); $ssh = new Net_SSH2(‘www.domain.tld’); if (!$ssh->login(‘username’, ‘password’)) { exit(‘Login Failed’); } echo $ssh->exec(‘pwd’); echo $ssh->exec(‘ls -la’); ?>

Is there a list of ‘if’ switches anywhere?

Look at the Bash man page (man bash). The options are specified in the CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS section: CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS Conditional expressions are used by the [[ compound command and the test and [ builtin commands to test file attributes and perform string and arithmetic comparisons. Expressions are formed from the following unary or binary primaries. … Read more