Requirejs why and when to use shim config

A primary use of shim is with libraries that don’t support AMD, but you need to manage their dependencies. For example, in the Backbone and Underscore example above: you know that Backbone requires Underscore, so suppose you wrote your code like this: require([‘underscore’, ‘backbone’] , function( Underscore, Backbone ) { // do something with Backbone … Read more

iframe shimming or ie6 (and below) select z-index bug

You don’t have to hide every select using a loop. All you need is a CSS rule like: * html .hideSelects select { visibility: hidden; } And the following JavaScript: //hide: document.body.className +=’ hideSelects’ //show: document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(‘ hideSelects’, ”); (Or, you can use your favourite addClass / removeClass implementation).