What is the internal sorting technique used in comparator and comparable interfaces and why? [duplicate]

Both Comparable and Comparator are interfaces. All they do is define a way of asking whether one object is greater than, equal to, or less than another. The interfaces don’t enforce what that means — that’s up to the class that implements the interface. So one Comparator<Employee> might say that Adam is “greater than” Bill … Read more

Sort words and then the sentence including digits and characters in Shell scripting or perl scripting [closed]

The algorithm to sort this problem is simple, just like you said in your question description, sort characters in each word first, then sort these sorted-word again. Like this: $ echo heya64 this is21 a good89 day91 | perl -anE ‘say(join ” “, sort(map { join “”, sort split // } @F))’ 12is 19ady 46aehy … Read more

C# List sorting with multiple range

The LINQ way is to just do this (assuming you want to end up with a sorted array, the ToArray bit isn’t needed): var sorted = values.OrderBy( value => value < 0 ).ThenBy( Math.Abs ).ToArray(); The only reason I’m showing that is so you have can compare it with the non-LINQ approach using a comparer: … Read more

Sorting array of object based on range of Numbers of String [closed]

You could take an offset for Under and + quantifier and take the value, depending on the sorting position. Then return the delta of values or the delta of the offset. Later, you could build a new object with sorted keys. var object = { “60+”: 0.1413972485314015, “18-29”: 0.0832178903621611, “40-49”: 0.1033361204013377, “30-39”: 0.0835906328864075, “Under 18”: … Read more

How to sort elements of pairs inside vector?

You just: std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); std::pair is lexicographically compared. On the other hand if you want to sort them with respect the second element of the std::pair then you would have to defind a custom comparator in the following manner: std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](std::pair<int, std::string> const &p1, std::pair<int, std::string> const &p2) { return (p1.second == p2.second)? p1.first … Read more

Sort Arraylist With Times [duplicate]

Lets start here: } catch (ParseException e) { return 0; } ParseException means parsing went wrong. You are suppressing that and turn it into: the two strings equal the same time. Simply don’t do that. Then I would also suggest to not store strings, but Date objects in that list. You have to understand that … Read more