How can I split string fastly in Java? [closed]

About the fastest you can do this is to use String.indexOf: int pos = mymessage.indexOf(‘@’); String[] mysplit = {mymessage.substring(0, pos), mymessage.substring(pos+1)}; But I doubt it will be appreciably faster than: String[] mysplit = mymessage.split(“@”, 2); I suspect it might be slightly faster to use indexOf, because you’re not having to use the full regex machinery. … Read more

Need some advice on split() method in Java [closed]

Guessing that you want to split by the comma then this will make it String toSplit = “LXI H, 2000H, MOV M A”; // this is a regular expression, you should study regular expressions too String[] split = toSplit.replace(“,”, “”).split(” +”); for (String s : split) System.out.println(s); Read the String class in the java API

How to split to string Java

I guess something like this should work. But i don’t really understood why you would do something like that String wait =(“<z1>0176543210010005160D2001000</z1> <z2>S4P6W7M522SC3OXX55K3NN77666N34M2</z2>”); String string1 = wait.split(“</z1><z2>”)[0].replace(“<z1>”,””); String string2 = wait.split(“</z1><z2>”)[1].replace(“</z2>”,””); System.out.println(string1); System.out.println(string2);

Split and cut string in C# [closed]

Your string looks like it’s being broken down by sections that are separated by a ,, so the first thing I’d do is break it down into those sections string[] sections = str.Split(‘,’); IT looks like those sections are broken down into a parameter name, and a parameter value, which are seperated by :. so … Read more

What is the most efficient C++ method to split a string based on a particular delimiter similar to split method in python? [closed]

First, don’t use strtok. Ever. There’s not really a function for this in the standard library. I use something like: std::vector<std::string> split( std::string const& original, char separator ) { std::vector<std::string> results; std::string::const_iterator start = original.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = original.end(); std::string::const_iterator next = std::find( start, end, separator ); while ( next != end ) { results.push_back( … Read more

count total in a list python by split

Hint: You can access a value in a dictionary by its key: >>> workdays = {‘work’:’1,2,3,4′} >>> workdays[‘work’] ‘1,2,3,4’ Second hint: You can split a string using str.split(delimiter) like so: >>> s=”1,2,3,4″ >>> s.split(‘,’) [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’] Third hint: len()