What is Multi Dimension OLAP CUBE and give example cube with more than 3 dimensions

In the DW world, the word “dimension” is overloaded — changes meaning depending on context. Here is an example. On a certain date, a customer walks into a store and buys a product. This example has four dimensions (date, customer, store, product) and one fact (sales). So a typical Kimball star would look like: A … Read more

How to convert value to KB, MB, or GB depending on digit placeholders?

Here’s two more ways of formatting a size in bytes: 1) Using a switch() function Format-Size() { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [double]$SizeInBytes ) switch ([math]::Max($SizeInBytes, 0)) { {$_ -ge 1PB} {“{0:N2} PB” -f ($SizeInBytes / 1PB); break} {$_ -ge 1TB} {“{0:N2} TB” -f ($SizeInBytes / 1TB); break} {$_ -ge 1GB} {“{0:N2} … Read more