Struts 2 select tag with values of a array list

The error “The requested list key ‘departmentlist’ could not be resolved as a collection/array/map/enumeration/iterator type. Example: people or people.{name} – [unknown location] “ means that the select tag is not able to resolve departmentlist as a collection. It is an OGNL expression which is trying to find the departmentlist in the value stack and if … Read more

How can I set the welcome page to a struts action?

Personally, I’d keep the same setup you have now, but change the redirect for a forward. That avoids sending a header back to the client and having them make another request. So, in particular, I’d replace the <% response.sendRedirect(“/myproject/MyAction.action”); %> in index.jsp with <jsp:forward page=”/MyAction.action” /> The other effect of this change is that the … Read more

AJAX vs Form Submission

I personally think that AJAX should be used for displays updates and form submissions should be done via a page reload. Reasoning? When submitting forms, you are telling the application to do something. Users tend to want to feel that it was done. When a page doesn’t reload, users are often left wondering “Did that … Read more