Difference between Android Instrumentation test and Unit test in Android Studio?

It seems to me that instrumentation testing is integration testing with the ability to control the life cycle and the events (onStart, onCreate etc) of the app. Unit testing, as i understand it, is testing a Unit (eg Class) for its data and behavior. For example, say you have a game: this game runs on … Read more

How to set up unit testing for Visual Studio C++

This page may help, it reviews quite a few C++ unit test frameworks: CppUnit Boost.Test CppUnitLite NanoCppUnit Unit++ CxxTest Check out CPPUnitLite or CPPUnitLite2. CPPUnitLite was created by Michael Feathers, who originally ported Java’s JUnit to C++ as CPPUnit (CPPUnit tries mimic the development model of JUnit – but C++ lacks Java’s features [e.g. reflection] … Read more

How to set request headers in rspec request spec?

You should be able to specify HTTP headers as the third argument to your get() method as described here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/Integration/RequestHelpers.html#method-i-get and here http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/Integration/Session.html#method-i-process So, you can try something like this: get ‘/my/path’, nil, {‘HTTP_ACCEPT’ => “application/json”}

How to `go test` all tests in my project?

This should run all tests in current directory and all of its subdirectories: $ go test ./… This should run all tests for given specific directories: $ go test ./tests/… ./unit-tests/… ./my-packages/… This should run all tests with import path prefixed with foo/: $ go test foo/… This should run all tests import path prefixed … Read more