Java: How to read a text file

You can use Files#readAllLines() to get all lines of a text file into a List<String>. for (String line : Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(“/path/to/file.txt”))) { // … } Tutorial: Basic I/O > File I/O > Reading, Writing and Creating text files You can use String#split() to split a String in parts based on a regular expression. for (String part … Read more

Why should text files end with a newline?

Because that’s how the POSIX standard defines a line: 3.206 Line A sequence of zero or more non- <newline> characters plus a terminating <newline> character. Therefore, lines not ending in a newline character aren’t considered actual lines. That’s why some programs have problems processing the last line of a file if it isn’t newline terminated. … Read more

How to determine the encoding of text?

EDIT: chardet seems to be unmantained but most of the answer applies. Check for an alternative Correctly detecting the encoding all times is impossible. (From chardet FAQ:) However, some encodings are optimized for specific languages, and languages are not random. Some character sequences pop up all the time, while other sequences make no sense. … Read more

How can you find and replace text in a file using the Windows command-line environment?

A lot of the answers here helped point me in the right direction, however none were suitable for me, so I am posting my solution. I have Windows 7, which comes with PowerShell built-in. Here is the script I used to find/replace all instances of text in a file: powershell -Command “(gc myFile.txt) -replace ‘foo’, … Read more