Can I mix UIKit and TVMLKit within one app?

Yes, you can. Displaying TVML templates requires you to use an object that controls the JavaScript Context: TVApplicationController. var appController: TVApplicationController? This object has a UINavigationController property associated with it. So whenever you see fit, you can call: let myViewController = UIViewController() self.appController?.navigationController.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true) This allows you to push a Custom UIKit viewcontroller onto … Read more

How to play YouTube content on tvOS

UIWebView and MPMoviePlayerController are not available for tvOS. Our next option is to use AVPlayer to play YouTube videos. AVPlayer cannot play a YouTube video from a standard YouTube URL, ie. It needs a direct URL to the video file. Using HCYoutubeParser we can accomplish exactly that. Once we have the URL we need, … Read more