How to convert byte array to any type

Primitive types are easy because they have a defined representation as a byte array. Other objects are not because they may contain things that cannot be persisted, like file handles, references to other objects, etc. You can try persisting an object to a byte array using BinaryFormatter: public byte[] ToByteArray<T>(T obj) { if(obj == null) … Read more

not finding android sdk (Unity)

I have same problem. I fixed by android sdk tool version downgrade. The steps. Delete android sdk “tools” folder : [Your Android SDK root]/tools -> tools Download SDK Tools: Extract that to Android SDK root Build your project

Why in unity i’m getting the warning: You are trying to create a MonoBehaviour using the ‘new’ keyword? [closed]

It is best to not think of MonoBehaviours as C# objects in the traditional sense. They should be considered their own unique thing. They are technically the ‘Component’ part of the Entity Component System architecture which Unity is based upon. As such, a MonoBehaviour being a Component, it cannot exist without being on a GameObject. … Read more

Move GameObject back and forth

There are many ways to do this but Mathf.PingPong is the easiest and the simplest way to accomplish this. Use Mathf.PingPong to get number between 0 and 1 then pass that value to Vector3.Lerp. That’s it. Mathf.PingPong will automatically return value will that will move back and forth between 0 and 1. Read the linked … Read more