Save terminal tabs to saved workspace VSCode

Look at the Restore Terminals extension. For example, in your settings.json: “restoreTerminals.runOnStartup”: false, // true is the default // set to false if using a keybinding or command palette “restoreTerminals.terminals”: [ { “splitTerminals”: [ { “name”: “git”, “commands”: [ “cd <your directory>”, “npm run test” // your git command(s) ] } ] }, { “splitTerminals”: … Read more

Go to the TypeScript source file instead of the type definition file in VS Code

Since Typescript 2.9 it is possible to compile your library with the declarationMap flag ./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc -p . –declarationMap Doing so creates a declaration map file (dist/ and a link to the map at the bottom of the corresponding d.ts file //# When VSCodes encounters such a declarationMap it knows where to go to and … Read more