Will Web Deployment Projects still be available in Visual Studio 2012?

Web Deployment Projects will NOT be available in VS2012. Instead we will focus on bringing first class publishing support for Website projects. You can read more details at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2012/08/06/plans-regarding-website-projects-and-web-deployment-projects.aspx. In a nutshell, you will have all the same features that WDP has, but a lot more as well. Also another good thing about this is … Read more

What is the default generator for CMake in Windows?

The following is from the CMake Source (version 2.8.4: cmake.cxx: starting line 2039): // Try to find the newest VS installed on the computer and // use that as a default if -G is not specified std::string vsregBase = “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\”; struct VSRegistryEntryName { const char* MSVersion; const char* GeneratorName; }; VSRegistryEntryName version[] = { {“6.0”, … Read more

Read a Registry Key

Reading the registry is pretty straightforward. The Microsoft.Win32 namespace has a Registry static class. To read a key from the HKLM node, the code is: RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(“Software\\NodeName”) If the node is HKCU, you can replace LocalMachine with CurrentUser. Once you have the RegistryKey object, use GetValue to get the value from the registry. … Read more