Scientific Calculator in C# [closed]

Firstly, this shouldn’t be a Java Specific question. Secondly, a quick google search could have given you this answer Including this one -> SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR USING C-SHARP(C#.NET), which basically covers all the scientific functions you’re looking for including the Radian to Degree conversion

c# when pressing a button add totals together [closed]

I would advise making the “unleaded”, “Diesel”, “Premium” options RadioButtons instead of Buttons and bind them under a container like Panel. So, when the user presses the “buttonTotal” the program will check which RadioButton is checked and then calculate the corresponding value. private void btnTotal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double totalPrice = 0; if(unleadedRadioButton.Checked) { … Read more

CMD command on c#

I believe what you want is this: Process p = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(“cmd.exe”); // add /C for command, a space, then command psi.Arguments = “/C dir”; p.StartInfo = psi; p.Start(); The above code allows you to execute the commands directly in the cmd.exe instance. For example, to launch command prompt and … Read more

I upgraded C++ projects from Visual Studio 2010 to 2015 still its showing Visual Studio (2010)

This is not an error, it simply means that the project is using the toolkit that came with Visual Studio 2010. This doesn’t prevent your projects from being compiled however. To upgrade the project to the Visual Studio 2015 toolkit right click on the projects showing (Visual Studio 2010) and select the desired toolkit under … Read more