What is the VTT for a class?

The page “Notes on Multiple Inheritance in GCC C++ Compiler v4.0.1” is offline now, and http://web.archive.org didn’t archive it. So, I have found a copy of the text at tinydrblog which is archived at the web archive. There is full text of the original Notes, published online as part of “Doctoral Programming Language Seminar: GCC … Read more

Where in memory is vtable stored?

Depends on compiler. In VC++, the vtable pointer stored at the beginning of the object allocation, before any member data. (Provided your class has at least one virtual member function.) There also may be multiple vtable pointers, if your class multiply-inherits from other classes with vtables. The vtables themselves are statically allocated somewhere in your … Read more

Virtual dispatch implementation details

1. Do I have any errors in the above description? All good. 🙂 2. How does the compiler know f’s position in vtable Each vendor will have their own way of doing this, but I always think of the vtable as map of the member function signature to memory offset. So the compiler just maintains … Read more

Dynamic method dispatching in C

As others have noted, it is certainly possible to implement this in C. Not only is it possible, it is a fairly common mechanism. The most commonly used example is probably the file descriptor interface in UNIX. A read() call on a file descriptor will dispatch to a read function specific to the device or … Read more

Virtual method tables

The “virtual function table” or “virtual method table” is a list of method pointers that each class has. It contains pointers to the virtual methods in the class. Each instance of a class has a pointer to the table, which is used when you call a virtual method from the instance. This is because a … Read more

Print address of virtual member function

Currently there is no standard way of doing this in C++ although the information must be available somewhere. Otherwise, how could the program call the function? However, GCC provides an extension that allows us to retrieve the address of a virtual function: void (A::*mfp)() = &A::func; printf(“address: %p”, (void*)(b->*mfp)); …assuming the member function has the … Read more

What is a vtable in C++ [duplicate]

V-tables (or virtual tables) are how most C++ implementations do polymorphism. For each concrete implementation of a class, there is a table of function pointers to all the virtual methods. A pointer to this table (called the virtual table) exists as a data member in all the objects. When one calls a virtual method, we … Read more

Virtual tables and memory layout in multiple virtual inheritance

Virtual bases are very different from ordinary bases. Remember that “virtual” means “determined at runtime” — thus the entire base subobject must be determined at runtime. Imagine that you are getting a B & x reference, and you are tasked to find the A::a member. If the inheritance were real, then B has a superclass … Read more