How can I make a program wait for a variable change in javascript?

Edit 2018: Please look into Object getters and setters and Proxies. Old answer below: a quick and easy solution goes like this: var something=999; var something_cachedValue=something; function doStuff() { if(something===something_cachedValue) {//we want it to match setTimeout(doStuff, 50);//wait 50 millisecnds then recheck return; } something_cachedValue=something; //real action } doStuff();

How to wait for all tasks in an ThreadPoolExecutor to finish without shutting down the Executor?

If you are interested in knowing when a certain task completes, or a certain batch of tasks, you may use ExecutorService.submit(Runnable). Invoking this method returns a Future object which may be placed into a Collection which your main thread will then iterate over calling Future.get() for each one. This will cause your main thread to … Read more

Terminating idle mysql connections

Manual cleanup: You can KILL the processid. mysql> show full processlist; +———+————+——————-+——+———+——-+——-+———————–+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | +———+————+——————-+——+———+——-+——-+———————–+ | 1193777 | TestUser12 | | www | Sleep | 25946 | | NULL | +———+————+——————-+——+———+——-+——-+———————–+ mysql> kill 1193777; But: the php application might … Read more

How do I create a pause/wait function using Qt?

I wrote a super simple delay function for an application I developed in Qt. I would advise you to use this code rather than the sleep function as it won’t let your GUI freeze. Here is the code: void delay() { QTime dieTime= QTime::currentTime().addSecs(1); while (QTime::currentTime() < dieTime) QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); } To delay an event … Read more

Blackberry – Loading/Wait screen with animation

Fermin, Anthony +1. Thanks to all, you gave me the part of answer. My final solution: 1.Create or generate (free Ajax loading gif generator) animation and add it to project. 2.Create ResponseCallback interface (see Coderholic – Blackberry WebBitmapField) to receive thread execution result: public interface ResponseCallback { public void callback(String data); } 3.Create a class … Read more