4.0 web forms routing – default/wildcard route

You can match all remaining routes like this: routes.MapPageRoute(“defaultRoute”, “{*value}”, “~/Missing.aspx”); In this case, we know all routes, and want to send anything else to a “missing”/404 page. Just be sure to put this as the last route, since it is a wildcard and will catch everything. Alternatively you could register a route the same … Read more

Passing parameters in URL without query string in Struts 2

It was not possible with plain Struts2 under the 2.1+. As a workaround you can do this with UrlRewriter filter. From Struts2 2.1+ with the help of wildcards you can use something like host/ActionNmae/param1-123/param2-abc see this post, but not like host/ActionNmae/123/abc/. The difference is that in the second case there’s no parameter names. The workaround … Read more