Xcode, Duplicate symbol _main

Ah..I figure out it’s that I have multiple entries under Targets/Compiled Sources ( in newer XCode it’s under Build Phases/Compile Sources ). I removed them and the problem is solved. The multiple entry thing probably has to do with Git merge.

How can I open a Twitter tweet using the native Twitter app on iOS?

This is how you access other apps from your own. Just find the proper url to send for accessing status. I’ve included a list that should have most of the important ones. Including status finding. [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@”twitter://status?id=12345″]]; twitter://user?screen_name=lorenb twitter://user?id=12345 twitter://status?id=12345 twitter://timeline twitter://mentions twitter://messages twitter://list?screen_name=lorenb&slug=abcd twitter://post?message=hello%20world twitter://post?message=hello%20world&in_reply_to_status_id=12345 twitter://search?query=%23hashtag Note: It can be important to … Read more

What #defines are set up by Xcode when compiling for iPhone

It’s in the SDK docs under “Compiling source code conditionally” The relevant definitions are TARGET_OS_IPHONE (and he deprecated TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR), which are defined in /usr/include/TargetConditionals.h within the iOS framework. On earlier versions of the toolchain, you had to write: #include “TargetConditionals.h” but this is no longer necessary on the current (xCode 6/iOS8) toolchain. So, for example, … Read more

Building iOS applications using xcodebuild without codesign

In order to skip the code signing you can perform a manual build from the console like this: xcodebuild clean build CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=”” CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO Additionally, use the -configuration, -target and -sdk parameters in order to define your build settings. Refer to this Stack Overflow answer in order to get a detailed description on how to disable … Read more

What are the benefits of using Storyboards instead of xib files in iOS programming?

A Storyboard is: A container for all your Scenes (View Controllers, Nav Controllers, TabBar Controllers, etc) A manager of connections and transitions between these scenes (these are called Segues) A nice way to manage how different controllers talk to each other Storyboards give you a complete look at the flow of your application that you … Read more