Use xcodebuild (Xcode 8) and automatic signing in CI (Travis/Jenkins) environments

I basically run into the same issue using Jenkins CI and the Xcode Plugin. I ended up doing the build and codesigning stuff myself using xcodebuild. 0. Prerequisites In order to get the following steps done successfully, you need to have installed the necessary provisioning profiles and certificates. That means your code signing should already … Read more

How can I use the legacy build system with Xcode 10’s `xcodebuild`?

There is an (as of yet undocumented) flag in xcodebuild: -UseModernBuildSystem=<value>. The value can be either 0 or NO to use the legacy (“original”) build system, or 1 or YES to use the new build system. For example: xcodebuild -workspace Foo.xcworkspace -scheme Bar -configuration Release -archivePath /path/to/Foo.xcarchive clean archive -UseModernBuildSystem=NO (-UseNewBuildSystem=<value> seems to work as … Read more