Take screenshot from window content (without border)

Edit: While using the ClientArea is key, it isn’t quite enough, as DrawToBitmap will always include the title, borders, scrollbars..

So after taking the full screen- or rather ‘formshot’, we’ll have to crop it, using an offset we can get from mapping the origin of the clientarea to the screen coordinates and subtracting these from the form location, which already is in screen coordinates..:

public static Bitmap TakeDialogScreenshot(Form window)
   var b = new Bitmap(window.Width, window.Height);
   window.DrawToBitmap(b, new Rectangle(0, 0, window.Width, window.Height));

   Point p = window.PointToScreen(Point.Empty);

   Bitmap target = new Bitmap( window.ClientSize.Width, window.ClientSize.Height);
   using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(target))
     g.DrawImage(b, 0, 0,
                 new Rectangle(p.X - window.Location.X, p.Y - window.Location.Y, 
                               target.Width, target.Height),  
   return target;

Sorry for the error in my first post!

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