Take the sum of every N rows in a pandas series


N = 5
s.groupby(s.index // N).sum()
0     10
1     35
2     60
3     85
4    110
5    135
6    160
7    185
8    210
9    235
dtype: int64

Chunk the index into groups of 5 and group accordingly.

numpy.reshape + sum

If the size is a multiple of N (or 5), you can reshape and add:

s.values.reshape(-1, N).sum(1)
# array([ 10,  35,  60,  85, 110, 135, 160, 185, 210, 235])


b = np.zeros(len(s) // N)
np.add.at(b, s.index // N, s.values)
# array([ 10.,  35.,  60.,  85., 110., 135., 160., 185., 210., 235.])

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